“Go on son, have a pop from there!” It’s easy to look like a football mastermind to your friends when you correctly call for a player to attempt an outrageous effort, especially when it results in one of the long range Premier League goals we have seen over the years.
But who has scored the most? Which team finds the back of the net more often from distance? And what on earth happened back in the old days before crossbars? Join Duncan Alexander and Graham Bell as they look deeper into the history of long range Premier League goals, relieving some of those great moments from football past as well as musing about why we maybe don’t see as many these days.
‘Stats Out Of Context’ is a production by The Analyst. If you liked this podcast then please rate, review and subscribe to our show and make sure to visit theanalyst.com for more data-driven storytelling or join in the conversation on Twitter and Instagram accounts. You can also listen to our podcasts on your preferred podcast application by visiting our LinkTree.
‘Stats Out Of Context’ is part of the ‘Reads from The Analyst’ podcast feed, where you will find other great insights into the world of football with a particular focus on the Premier League, with our most recent episode revisiting the fastest goals in Premier League history, as we near the three-year anniversary of Shane Long setting the current record. This episode, and many other episodes, are available to listen to now.
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