Eleven players were added on Wednesday to the watch list for the 2021 Stats Perform FCS Buck Buchanan Award, presented annually to the national defensive player of the year in college football’s Division I subdivision.

The Buchanan Award, now in its 27th season, is named for the legendary Hall of Fame defensive lineman. Past recipients include two-time winner Dexter Coakley, Rashean Mathis and Jared Allen.

Nominated to the watch list:

Defensive Line

Brevin Allen, Campbell

Nate Lynn, William & Mary

Devonnsha Maxwell, Chattanooga

Clay Patterson, Yale

Vaughn Taylor Jr., Morehead State


Jacob Dobbs, Holy Cross

Matthew Jackson, Eastern Kentucky

Isaiah Land, Florida A&M

Jalen Mackie, Dartmouth

Patrick O’Connell, Montana

Defensive Back

Darius Joiner, Western Illinois

The original watch list in the preseason included 35 players. A 50-member, national media panel will select the winner following the regular season.

Also this season, Stats Perform will present the Walter Payton Award (FCS offensive player of the year), Jerry Rice Award (FCS freshman player of the year), Eddie Robinson Award (FCS coach of the year) and Doris Robinson Scholar-Athlete of the Year.